In our blog, our podiatrists explore the most common reasons patients suffer from heel pain, ankle injuries, foot deformities, and other ailments, as well as offering long-term solutions to stop these painful conditions from coming back.
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Five Myths About Foot CareDr. Bartell treats patients in North East Florida. She shares five myths about foot care and the realities behind them.
FIB Runners Stress FracturesStress fractures of the foot are becoming more common in runners, especially first-time marathoners
National Flip Flop Day
Skin CancerIt is skin cancer awareness month, It is extremely important for you to check yourself over for any type of suspicious moles or marks.
Is Foot Pain Ruining Your Golf Swing?
Put Your Feet In Our HandsPut Your Feet In Our Hands - North Florida Foot & Ankle Center
Welcome To Our Blog!North Florida Foot & Ankle Center Blog